

  • 姓      名:都秀波
  • 职      称:副教授
  • 职      位:学科建设办副主任
  • 所  属 系:海洋科学与生物制药系
  • 办公地点:丽湖校区守慧楼416
  • 办公电话:
  • 邮      箱:duxiubo@szu.edu.cn
  • 工作职责:
2010年于香港大学获得博士学位;2011 -2014年于中国科学院/365BEST体育从事博士后研究;2015入职365BEST体育,先后被聘为讲师、副研究员、副教授、研究员。近年主要从事阿尔茨海默症的发病机制及防治药物研究,在包括Biomaterials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Commun., Adv. Healthc. Mater.等国际知名期刊发表学术论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金2项,深圳市海外高层次人才启动项目、深圳市学科布局项目、深圳市自由探索项目各1项, 获2017年度深圳市自然科学二等奖。2015年入选深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀计划),2018年入选深圳市高层次人才、深圳市南山区领航人才。

1. Lei Zhang, Penghe Zhao, Caiping Yue, Zhaokui Jin, Qiong Liu, Xiubo Du*, Qianjun He*. “Sustained release of bioactive hydrogen by Pd hydride nanoparticles overcomes Alzheimer's disease”. Biomaterials 2019 Mar;197:393-404. (IF=10.3, JCR一区,TOP期刊)

2. Mengmeng Ma, Nan Gao,* Yuhuan Sun, Xiubo Du,* Jinsong Ren, and Xiaogang Qu*. (2018) “Redox-Activated Near-Infrared-Responsive Polyoxometalates Used for Photothermal Treatment of Alzheimers Disease” Adv. Healthc. Mater. doi: 10.1002/adhm.201800320 (IF=6.3, JCR一区,TOP期刊)

3. Du XB, Li HY, Wang XH, Liu Q, Ni JZ and Sun HZ* (2013). "Kinetics and thermodynamics of metal binding to the N-terminus of a human copper transporter, hCTR1" Chem. Commun. 49: 9134-9136. (IF=6.8JCR一区, TOP期刊)

4. Yongli Xie, Qiong Liu, Lin Zheng, BingTao Wang, Xiaogang Qu, Jiazuan N, Yan Zhang and Xiubo Du*. (2018) “Se-Methylselenocysteine Ameliorates Neuropathology and Cognitive Deficits by Attenuating Oxidative Stress and Metal Dyshomeostasis in Alzheimer Model Mice” Mol. Nutr. Food. Res. DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201800107 (封面文章,IF=5.2 JCR一区,TOP期刊)

5. Du XB, Zheng YB, Wang Z, Chen YJ, Zhou R, Song GL, Ni JZ* and Liu Q* (2014). "Inhibitory Act of Selenoprotein P on Cu+/Cu2+-induced tau aggregation and neurotoxicity." Inorg. Chem., DOI: 10.1021/ic501788v. (IF=4.8JCR一区, TOP期刊)

6. Du XB, Wang Z, Zheng YB, Li HP, Ni JZ* and Liu Q* (2014). "Inhibitory effect of Selenoprotein P on Cu+/Cu2+-induced Aβ42 aggregation and toxicity." Inorg. Chem., 53 (3): 1672–1678. (IF=4.8JCR一区,TOP期刊)

7. Li X, Du X*, Ni J. Zn2+ Aggravates Tau Aggregation and Neurotoxicity. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jan 23;20(3). pii: E487. (IF=4.2, JCR二区,TOP期刊)

8. Xiubo Du#, Qingqing Shi#, Yuxi Zhao, Yongli Xie, Xuexia Li, Qiong Liu, Javed Iqbal, Huajie Zhang, Xukun Liu, and Liming Shen*, “Se-Methylselenocysteine (SMC) Improves Cognitive Deficits by Attenuating Synaptic and Metabolic Abnormalities in Alzheimer’s Mice Model: A Proteomic Study” ACS Chem Neurosci 2021 Mar 9. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00549. (IF=4.5, JCR二区)

9. Caiping Yue, Zhifu Shan, Yibin Tan, Chuangyu Yao, Yuanheng Liu, Qiong Liu, Xiangshi Tan, Xiubo Du*, “His-Rich Domain of Selenoprotein P Ameliorates Neuropathology and Cognitive Deficits by Regulating TrkB Pathway and Zinc Homeostasis in an Alzheimer Model of Mice”, ACS Chem Neurosci 2020 11(24):4098-4110. (IF=4.5, JCR二区)

10. Yongli Xie, Yibin Tan, Youbiao Zheng, Xiubo Du*, Qiong Liu* (2017). “Ebselen ameliorates β‑amyloid pathology, tau pathology, and cognitive impairment in triple‑transgenic Alzheimer’s disease mice” J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. DOI 10.1007/s00775-017-1463-2 (JCR二区)

11. Du XB, Wang C and Liu Q* (2016). "Potential Roles of Selenium and Selenoproteins in the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease." Curr. Top. Med. Chem., 2016;16(8):835-48. (JCR二区)

12. Du XB, Li HP, Wang Z, Qiu S, Liu Q* and Ni JZ* (2013). “Selenoprotein P and selenoprotein M block Zn2+ -mediated Aβ42 aggregation and toxicity.” Metallomics 5: 861-870. (JCR二区)

13. Du XB, Qiu S, Wang Z, Wang RR, Wang C, Tian J and Liu Q* (2014). "Direct interaction between selenoprotein P and tubulin." Int. J. Mol. Sci. 15 (6): 10199-10214. (JCR三区)

职称 副教授 职位 学科建设办副主任
所属系 海洋科学与生物制药系 办公室 丽湖校区守慧楼416
办公电话 邮箱 duxiubo@szu.edu.cn
工作职责 个人简介 2010年于香港大学获得博士学位;2011 -2014年于中国科学院/365BEST体育从事博士后研究;2015入职365BEST体育,先后被聘为讲师、副研究员、副教授、研究员。近年主要从事阿尔茨海默症的发病机制及防治药物研究,在包括Biomaterials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Commun., Adv. Healthc. Mater.等国际知名期刊发表学术论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金2项,深圳市海外高层次人才启动项目、深圳市学科布局项目、深圳市自由探索项目各1项, 获2017年度深圳市自然科学二等奖。2015年入选深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀计划),2018年入选深圳市高层次人才、深圳市南山区领航人才。