

  • 姓      名:王宇
  • 职      称:特聘教授
  • 职      位:
  • 所  属 系:
  • 办公地点:丽湖校区守慧楼307室
  • 办公电话:
  • 邮      箱:yu-wang@szu.edu.cn
  • 工作职责:
2004-2010年,哈佛大学(Harvard University)博士研究生,师从Andrew P. McMahon院士;
2010-2011年,哈佛大学博士后(Postdoctoral Fellow),师从Andrew P. McMahon院士和Lee L. Rubin教授;
2011-2014年,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin at Madison)莫格利奇研究院(Morgridge Institute for Research)助理研究员/访问学者(Research Associate/Visiting Scholar),师从James A. Thomson院士;
2013-2020年,中国科学院动物研究所研究员(Professor/Principle Investigator)、中国科学院大学医学院岗位教授(Adjunct Professor);
2020-今,365BEST体育特聘教授(Distinguished Professor)。
主持和参加科技部国家重大科学研究计划、国家自然科学基金委重大培育项目等9项国家和省部级项目以及多项深圳市重大项目。以通讯作者为Elife、Cell Chemical Biology等国际重要学术期刊撰写点评和综述。担任Advanced Science、 Nucleic Acids Research、Theranostics、Protein & Cell等国际重要学术期刊审稿人。迄今以通讯作者或者第一作者在Advanced Science、Nucleic Acids Research、 Cancer Research、PNAS、Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids、Cell Chemical Biology (2篇)、eLife、Current Opinion in Cell Biology、ACS Chemical Biology (2篇)、Life Medicine等国际重要学术期刊发表多篇论文。持有多项涉及候选药物分子结构、化学药物诱导CRISPR系统、药物筛选技术、药物靶蛋白标记等的发明专利。其中,一项关于药物筛选技术的专利授权罗氏-基因泰克(Roche-Genentech) ,一个候选药物进入临床试验。获得生命科学领域重要国际会议Keystone Symposia奖。
二、研究领域: 王宇课题组面向癌症和退行性疾病的共性靶标以及新发传染病,专注于药物发现和药物调控合成生物学两个方向的科学研究和转化应用。主要研究方向为:1)药物和药靶的高效筛选;2)基因编辑技术的改进和新颖应用方式的开发。

发表论文(* 通讯作者;1第一作者。)

1. Zhang J1Zhu AR1Mei MQu J Huang YL, Shi YS, Xue MY, Zhang JF, Zhang RL*, Zhou B*, Tan X*, Zhao JC*, Wang Y. * Repurposing CRISPR/Cas to Discover SARS-CoV-2 Detecting and Neutralizing Aptamers. Advanced Science, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202300656. (IF= 17.5)

2. Zhang YZhang QHou YH Wang R Wang Y. * Comparative Functional RNA Editomes of Neural Differentiation from Human PSCs. Life Medicine, 2022.Aug 10; 1(2):221-235.

3. Anderson DE, Cui J, Ye Q, … Wang Y, Tan W, Wang LF, Tan X. Orthogonal genome-wide screens of bat cells identify MTHFD1 as a target of broad antiviral therapy. PNAS, 2021 Sep 28;118(39): e210475911IF=12.779

4. Chen L, Gao HY, Zhou B, Wang Y*. Comprehensive optimization of a reporter assay toolbox for three distinct CRISPR-Cas systems. FEBS Open Bio. 2021 May 17; 11(7):1695. IF=2.792

5. Wu, F, Zhang, C. Zhao, C., Wu, H., Jiang, T. *, Wang, Y.* (2020) Prostaglandin E1 Inhibits GLI2 Amplification-Associated Activation of the Hedgehog Pathway and Drug Refractory Tumor Growth. Cancer Research. 80(13):2818-2832. IF=13.312

6. Wang, X.1, Liao, T. 1, Wan, C., Yang, X., Zhao, J., Fu, R., Yao, Z., Huang, Y., Shi, Y., Chang, G., Zheng, Y., Luo, F., Liu, Z., Wang, Y.*, Mao, X.*, Zhao, XY.* (2019) Efficient generation of human primordial germ cell-like cells from pluripotent stem cells in a methylcellulose-based 3D system at large scale. Peer Journal 6:e6143 IF=3.061

7. Zhang, J*1., Chen, L1., Zhang J1., Wang, Y.* (2019) Drug inducible CRISPR/Cas systems. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 17:1171-1177. (Invited review) IF=6.155

8. Zhao, C*1., Wei, S., Wang, Y.* (2019) A guide for drug inducible genome editing with HIT systems. Methods in Enzymology 621:53-68. (Invited protocol) IF=1.682

9. Zhao, C*1., Wei, S., Wang, Y.* (2019) A guide for drug inducible transcriptional activation with HIT systems. Methods in Enzymology 621:69-86. (Invited protocol) IF=1.682

10. Xu, J. 1, Yu, L., Guo, J., Xiang, J., Zheng, Z., Gao, D., Shi, B., Hao, H., Jiao, D., Zhong, L., Wang, Y., Wu, J. *, Wei, H. *, Han, J. * (2019) Generation of pig induced pluripotent stem cells using an extended pluripotent stem cell culture system. Stem Cell Research & Therapy 10(1):193. IF=8.079

11. Lu, J1., Zhao, C1., Zhao, Y1., Zhang, J1., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., Han, Q., Ying, Y., Peng, S., Ai, R., Wang, Y.* (2018) Multimode drug inducible CRISPR/Cas9 devices for transcriptional activation and genome editing. Nucleic Acids Research 46(5): e25 IF=19.16

12 Zhao, C1., Zhao, Y1. Zhang, J1.,Lu, J., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Ying, Y., Xu, J., Wang, Y.* (2018) HIT-Cas9: a CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing device under tight and effective drug control. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids. 1(13): 208-219 IF=10.183

13. Zhao, C1., Zhang, Y1., Zhao, Y., Ying, Y., Ai, R., Zhang, J., Wang, Y.* (2018) Multiple chemical inducible Tal effectors for genome editing and transcription activation. ACS Chemical Biology. 13(3): 609-617. IF=4.634

14. Wu, F1., Zhang, Y., Sun, B., McMahon, A.P., Wang, Y.* (2017) Hedgehog signaling: from basic biology to cancer therapy. Cell Chemical Biology. 24 (3): 252-280. (Invited review) IF=9.039

15. Liu, L. 1, Zhang, J. 1, Rheindt, F.E. 1, Lei, F., Qu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Sullivan, C., Nie, W., Wang, J., Yang, F., Chen, J., Edwards, S.V. *, Meng, J., Wu, S. *, (2017) Genomic evidence reveals a radiation of placental mammals uninterrupted by the KPg boundary. PNAS 114 (35):E7282-E7290. IF=12.779

16. Liu, L. 1, Zhang, J. 1, Rheindt, F.E. 1, Lei, F., Qu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Sullivan, C., Nie, W., Wang, J., Yang, F., Chen, J., Edwards, S.V. *, Meng, J., Wu, S. *, (2017) Reply to Gatesy and Springer: Claims of homology errors and zombie lineages do not compromise the dating of placental diversification. PNAS 114 (45):E9433-E9434. IF=12.779

17. Li, Y. 1, Zhang, W. 1, Chang, L. 1, Han, Y., Sun, L., Gong, X., Tang, H., Liu, Z., Deng, H., Ye, Y., Wang, Y., Li, J., Qiao, J., Qu, J. *, Zhang, W. *, Liu, G.H. *, (2016) Vitamin C alleviates aging defects in a stem cell model for Werner syndrome. Protein & Cell 7(7):478-488. IF=15.328

18. Ding, H. 1, Yang, D., Zhao, C., Song, Z., Liu, P., Wang, Y., Chen, Z. *, Shen, J. (2015) Protein-gold hybrid nanocubes for cell imaging and drug delivery. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 (8): 4713–4719. IF=10.383

19. Schwartz, M.P. 1, Hou, Z. 1, Propson, N.E., Zhang, J., Engstrom, C.J., Costa, V.S., Jiang, P., Nguyen, B.K., Bolin, J.M., Daly, W., Wang, Y., Stewart, R., Page, C.D., Murphy, W.L., Thomson, J.A. * (2015) Human pluripotent stem cell-derived neural constructs for predicting neural toxicity. PNAS 112 (40): 12516-12521. IF=12.779

20. Wang, Y. 1*, and McMahon, A.P. (2013). A novel site comes into sight. eLife 2, e01680. (Invited commentary) IF=8.713

21. Wang, Y. 1, Davidow, L., Arvanites, A.C., Blanchard, J., Lam, K., Xu, K., Oza, V., Yoo, J.W., Ng, J.M., Curran, T., Rubin, L.L. *, McMahon, A.P*. (2012). Glucocorticoid compounds modify smoothened localization and hedgehog pathway activity. Chemistry & Biology (currently renamed to Cell Chemical Biology) 19, 972-982. IF=9.039

22. Wang, Y. 1, Arvanites, A.C., Davidow, L., Blanchard, J., Lam, K., Yoo, J.W., Coy, S., Rubin, L.L. *, McMahon, A.P*. (2012). Selective identification of hedgehog pathway antagonists by direct analysis of smoothened ciliary translocation. ACS Chemical Biology 7, 1040-1048. IF=4.634

23. Wang, Y. 1, Zhou, Z., Walsh, C.T. *, McMahon, A.P. * (2009). Selective translocation of intracellular Smoothened to the primary cilium in response to Hedgehog pathway modulation. PNAS 106, 2623-2628. IF=12.779

24. Zhou, Z.1, Koglin, A., Wang, Y., McMahon, A.P., Walsh, C.T.*. (2008) An eight residue fragment of an acyl carrier protein suffices for post-translational introduction of fluorescent pantetheinyl arms in protein modification in vitro and in vivo. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130(30):9925-30. IF=16.383

25. Wang, Y.1, McMahon, A.P. *, Allen, B.L. 1 (2007). Shifting paradigms in Hedgehog signaling. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 19, 159-165. IF=8.386

职称 特聘教授 职位
所属系 办公室 丽湖校区守慧楼307室
办公电话 邮箱 yu-wang@szu.edu.cn
工作职责 个人简介 王宇,365BEST体育特聘教授,博士生导师,入选中科院、广东省、深圳市高层次人才计划。<br>
2004-2010年,哈佛大学(Harvard University)博士研究生,师从Andrew P. McMahon院士;<br>
2010-2011年,哈佛大学博士后(Postdoctoral Fellow),师从Andrew P. McMahon院士和Lee L. Rubin教授;<br>
2011-2014年,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin at Madison)莫格利奇研究院(Morgridge Institute for Research)助理研究员/访问学者(Research Associate/Visiting Scholar),师从James A. Thomson院士;<br>
2013-2020年,中国科学院动物研究所研究员(Professor/Principle Investigator)、中国科学院大学医学院岗位教授(Adjunct Professor);<br>
2020-今,365BEST体育特聘教授(Distinguished Professor)。<br>
主持和参加科技部国家重大科学研究计划、国家自然科学基金委重大培育项目等9项国家和省部级项目以及多项深圳市重大项目。以通讯作者为Elife、Cell Chemical Biology等国际重要学术期刊撰写点评和综述。担任Advanced Science、 Nucleic Acids Research、Theranostics、Protein & Cell等国际重要学术期刊审稿人。迄今以通讯作者或者第一作者在Advanced Science、Nucleic Acids Research、 Cancer Research、PNAS、Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids、Cell Chemical Biology (2篇)、eLife、Current Opinion in Cell Biology、ACS Chemical Biology (2篇)、Life Medicine等国际重要学术期刊发表多篇论文。持有多项涉及候选药物分子结构、化学药物诱导CRISPR系统、药物筛选技术、药物靶蛋白标记等的发明专利。其中,一项关于药物筛选技术的专利授权罗氏-基因泰克(Roche-Genentech) ,一个候选药物进入临床试验。获得生命科学领域重要国际会议Keystone Symposia奖。<br>