

  • 姓      名:宋欣
  • 职      称:教授
  • 职      位:
  • 所  属 系:
  • 办公地点:南区三期913
  • 办公电话:
  • 邮      箱:xinsong@szu.edu.cn
  • 工作职责:
宋欣,365BEST体育特聘教授,博士生导师。本科毕业于北京师范大学生命科学学院,硕士及博士分别毕业于加拿大阿卡迪亚大学和美国宾夕法尼亚大学生物系,博士后研究工作在澳大利亚悉尼大学Margaret Barbour实验室完成。长期从事同位素植物生理生态学研究,重点关注植物关键生理过程(蒸腾、光合等)介导的氧氢碳同位素效应,及其与环境变化的交互作用及相关生理/水文/气象学意义。在PNAS, New Phytologist, Plant Cell and Environment等国际主流学术期刊发表论文40余篇。目前担任Frontiers in Plant Science副编辑(associate editor),Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等4个学术期刊编委,以及中国生态学学会同位素生态专业委员会委员。2015年入选中组部国家海外高层次青年人才计划,2020年获中国生态学学会青年科技奖。

1. Lin W, Barbour MM, Song X*. (2022) Do changes in tree-ring oxygen isotope ratio indicates changes in stomatal conductance? New Phytologist 236: 803-808

# 同位素生态学专委会公众号https://shorturl.at/twxDZ


2. Liu T, Barbour MM, Song X*. (2021) Mesophyll conductance exerts a significant limitation on photosynthesis during light induction. New Phytologist 233: 360-372.

# Faculty Opinions推荐https://connect.h1.co/article/ 740927852

# 植物科学最前沿公众号https://shorturl.at/swS38


3. Zhu L, Li H, Thorpe MR, Hocart CH, Song X*. (2021) Stomatal and mesophyll conductance are dominant limitations to photosynthesis in response to heat stress during severe drought in a temperate and a tropical tree species. Trees 35: 1613-1627.


4. Song X*, Chen Y, Helliker BR, Tang X, Li F, Zhou YP. (2021) Reply to Evaristo: Strong evidence for the need of correcting extraction bias in an early study of ecohydrological separation. PNAS 118:  e2 103604118.


5. Song X*, Chen Y, Helliker BR, Tang X, Li F, Zhou YP. (2021) Reply to Zhao: The demonstrated magnitude of artifact during stem-water extraction signals a clear need for deuterium correction. PNAS 118:  e2 102585118.


6. Li FL, Zhong L, Tian TT, Cheung SG, Wong YS, Shin PKS, Lei A, Zhou H, Tam NFY*, Song X*. Do distribution and expansion of exotic invasive Asteraceae plants relate to leaf construction cost in a man-made wetland? Marine Pollution Bulletin 163: 111958.


7. Chen Y, Helliker BR, Tang X, Li F, Zhou YP, Song X*. (2020) Stem water cryogenic extraction biases estimation in deuterium isotope composition of plant source water. PNAS 117: 33345-33350.

# 365BEST体育新闻网https://news.szu.edu.cn/info/1004/7420.htm


8. Barbour MM, Loucos K, Lockhart EL, Shrestha A, McCallum D, Simonin KA, Song X, Griffani, DS, Farquhar GD. (2021) Can hydraulic design explain patterns of leaf water isotopic enrichment in C3 plants? Plant Cell and Environment 44:432-444.


9. Sun J, Chen Y, Zhou H, Hu Z, Liao W, Song X* (2020) Carbon isotope ratio of leaf litter correlates with litter production in a mangrove ecosystem in South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 157: 111224


10. Liancourt P, Song X, Macek M, Santrucek J, Dolezal J. (2020) Plants' eye view of temperature governs elevational distributions. Global Change Biology 26: 4094-4103.


11. Zhu L, Cernusak LA, Song X* (2020) Dynamic responses of gas exchange and photochemistry to heat interference during prolonged drought in wheat and sorghum. Functional Plant Biology 47: 611-627.


12. Li FL, Zhong L, Cheung SG, Wong YS, Shin PKS, Lei AP, Zhou HC, Song X*, Tam NFY*. (2020) Is Laguncularia racemosa more invasive than Sonneratia apetala in northern Fujian, China in terms of leaf energetic cost? Marine Pollution Bulletin 152: 110897.


13. Tang X, Chen Y, Li F, Song X*. (2020) Progress and challenges in stable isotope

analysis of ecosystem water pools. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 44(4): 350-359.


14. Li Y, Song X, Li S, Barbour MM. (2019) The role of leaf water potential in the temperature response of mesophyll conductance. New Phytologist 225(3):1193-1205.


15. Shrestha A, Song X, Barbour MM*. (2019) The temperature response of mesophyll conductance, and its component conductances, varies between species and genotypes. Photosynthesis Research 140: 11-18.


16. Helliker BR, Song X, Goulden ML, Clark K, Chen JQ, Noormets A, Dragoni D, Hollinger D, Wofsy S, Baldocchi DD, Desai A. (2018) Assessing the interplay between canopy energy balance and photosynthesis with cellulose d18O: large-scale patterns and independent ground-truthing. Oecologia. 187(4):995-1007.


17. Song X*, Barbour MM. (2016) Leaf water oxygen isotope measurement by direct equilibration. New Phytologist 211: 1120-1128.


18. Song X*, Simonin KA, Loucos KE, Barbour MM. (2016) Modeling non-steady state isotope enrichment of cotton leaf water in a gas-exchange cuvette environment. Plant Cell and Environment 38: 2618-28


19. Holloway-Phillips M, Cernusak LA, Barbour MM, Song X, Cheesman A, Munksgaard N, Stuart-Williams H, Farquhar GD. (2016) Leaf vein fraction influences the Péclet effect and 18O enrichment in leaf water. Plant Cell and Environment 39: 2414-2427.


20. Cernusak, LA; Barbour, MM; Stefan KA, Cheesman AW; Helliker, BR; Holloway-Phillips MM; Kahmen A; McInerney FA, Munksgaard NC, Simonin KA, Song X, Stuart-Williams H, West J B, Farquhar GD. (2016) Stable isotope enrichment in leaf water of terrestrial plants. Plant Cell and Environment 39: 1087-1102.

21. Song X, Loucos KE, Simonin KA, Farquhar GD, Barbour MM. (2015) Measurements of transpiration isotopologues and leaf water to assess enrichment models in cotton. New Phytologist 206: 637-646.


22. Song X*, Clark KS, Helliker BR (2014). Interpreting species-specific variation in tree-ring oxygen isotope ratios among three temperate forest trees. Plant Cell and Environment 37: 2169-2182.


23. Song X*, Farquhar GD, Gessler A, Barbour MM (2014) Turnover time of the non-structural carbohydrate pool influences d18O of leaf cellulose. Plant Cell and Environment 37: 2500-2507.


24. Loucos KE, Simonin KA, Song X, Barbour MM. (2014) Observed relationships

between leaf H218O Péclet effective length and leaf hydraulic conductance reflect assumptions in Craig-Gordon model calculations. Tree Physiology 35: 16-26.


25. Barbour MM, Song X.  (2014) Do tree ring stable isotope compositions faithfully record tree carbon/water dynamics? Tree Physiology 34: 792-795.


26. Song X*, Barbour MM, Farquhar GD, Vann DR, Helliker, BR. (2013) Transpiration rate relates to within- and across-species variations in effective path length in a leaf water model of oxygen isotope enrichment. Plant Cell and Environment 36:1338-1351.

# 杂志同期配发专文评述:The multifaceted relationship between leaf water 18O enrichment and transpiration rate 36:1239-1241.


27. Song X, Barbour MM, Saurer M, Helliker BR. (2011) Examining the large-scale

convergence of photosynthesis-weighted tree leaf temperatures through stable oxygen isotope analysis of multiple data sets. New Phytologist 192(4): 912-924.


28. Song X, Kristie DK, Reekie EG. (2009) Why does elevated CO2 affect time of

flowering? An exploratory study using the photoperiodic flowering mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 181(2):339-346.



  1. Song X*, Lorrey A, Barbour MM. (2022) Environmental, physiological and

biochemical processes determining the oxygen isotope ratio of tree-ring cellulose. In Stable Isotopes in Tree Rings: Inferring Physiological, Climatic and Environmental Responses. (eds. Siegwolf R, Brooks JR, Roden J, Saurer M). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.


  1. 林雯,陈永乐,吴浩,宋欣* (2021) 水分利用效率的同位素分析方法。In

合作用研究技术。(eds. 朱新广,许大全),科学出版社。



《中国科学报》对同位素森林水文学家Javime Evaristo Nature论文背后的故事进行了深度挖掘,并对本人团队与Evaristo在“两个水世界”问题上的争论始末进行了报道:

《中国科学报》对同位素森林水文学家Javime Evaristo Nature论文背后的故事进行了深度挖掘,并对本人团队与Evaristo在“两个水世界”问题上的争论始末,进行了报道:




Brent Helliker, 教授

Department of Biology

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA, USA 19104

Margaret Barbour, 教授,理学院院长

School of Science

University of Waikato

1 Knighton Rd, Hillcrest

Hamilton, 3216, New Zealand

Graham Farquhar, 教授


Research School of Biology

Australian National University

Canberra, ACT 2508, Australia




职称 教授 职位
所属系 办公室 南区三期913
办公电话 邮箱 xinsong@szu.edu.cn
工作职责 个人简介 宋欣,365BEST体育特聘教授,博士生导师。本科毕业于北京师范大学生命科学学院,硕士及博士分别毕业于加拿大阿卡迪亚大学和美国宾夕法尼亚大学生物系,博士后研究工作在澳大利亚悉尼大学Margaret Barbour实验室完成。长期从事同位素植物生理生态学研究,重点关注植物关键生理过程(蒸腾、光合等)介导的氧氢碳同位素效应,及其与环境变化的交互作用及相关生理/水文/气象学意义。在PNAS, New Phytologist, Plant Cell and Environment等国际主流学术期刊发表论文40余篇。目前担任Frontiers in Plant Science副编辑(associate editor),Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等4个学术期刊编委,以及中国生态学学会同位素生态专业委员会委员。2015年入选中组部国家海外高层次青年人才计划,2020年获中国生态学学会青年科技奖。